About Face
It was a joint effort from the computer, the printer, and the phones. They collaborated and pushed me over the edge. All of the mundane things- they really add up. And I'm a collecter- I stash them away, tuck them away, neat and tidy in a bottle. All the annoyances, the grievances, the stresses. Crammed inside. But the bottle is finite in space, and eventually it gets a little full, perhaps excessively full. The pressure builds, most of the time relatively unnoticed, until the simplest thing causes the hold system to explode. Complete meltdown.
Accustomed to the lurching waves, like seasoned rollercoaster riders, I vehemently clutch the crushing weight of the sadness and the anger and plummet headlong to the bottom. Gathering enough force, I bounce off and begin the drift back up to brighter places.
And yesterday I climbed. Through the dripping wet forest, admiring the smells and the sounds and the sights, up to that good old rock that has helped me heal once before. Breathing in great gulps of air, filling my lungs to the point of pain, and exhaling all the dirt and pollution of the city- the noise, the exhast, the drones. Getting high on the sweet earthy air. Ahh.

There was so much more.
There was rain falling on my face and wind playing with my hair. There was rain and sun at the same time. But best of all, there was the jeep waiting in my drive way when i got home, and that made me cry anew, but for better reasons. There was a hug and a cuddle that made me feel safe and protected and supported. There was someone there for me, and I can't express enough gratitude and love for you.
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