Utilitarian Updates:
School is finally over for the term and four months of summer lie ahead of me. It feels really good to let my brain relax. I still feel like I should be rushing about and maximizing every moment of my day, but I'm getting good at resisting that feeling.
I just finished a book that was really well written and really made me think and feel. Autobiography of a Tatoo. It is written by a former professor of mine and it was bizarre to read the intimate details of his life. I've started another book, one I've read before, The Things They Carried. It's a book you can read over and over again as it too is incredibly well-written. Ambiguities. Blurring the line between fact and fiction. I recommend it.
I'm not returning to the comforts of my old job. The feelings are complicated and deciding on any one or two adjectives feels like lying because their decisiveness and simplicity betray the reality. I still have to try. Excited. Scared. Angry. Sad. Nervous. Excited.
Change is a funny thing. Not Ha Ha funny, not usually anyway, not in the present anyways, sometimes. But change is funny in an interesting way, always. It's good when it's chosen and gradual. But then it isn't very exciting either. It's hard when it's unexpected and forced. But at least it's exciting and interesting. Change is interesting because I just realized how complicated it is when I tried to describe it and the different kinds and how I feel about them.
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