Swampy Destiny
While on my typical walk home today, I decide to welcome a little bit of change- i took a small detour to explore the new growth in the swam, hoping to find some skunk cabbage to photograph. My to my delight, I found a plethora of flourishing cabbages.

(This is an shotty picture, but it shows just how many there were, almost-there are more outside of the shot.)
So I unloaded my backpack and proceeded into the quagmire, camera in hand, and cell phone in sweater pocket. For one of the first times in a long long time, I had left the house without a hair tie and found my hair to be quite the irritant, (not that that is really all that relavent, however it was a part of my swap extraveganza experience.) As I carefully picked my way across the "dry" patches of moss, I soon discovered that I was going to get a little bit dirty. But it would be all worth it, somehow, for a photo or two maybe.

Smelly beauty.
So I balanced beamed my way out into the thick of the swap, across a fallen tree,

with the birds a singing me encouragement, and the dangers of ooey gooey mud on all sides. I made it all the way without a slip, but ended up getting my shoes rather muddy getting off of the log back onto "dry" land. As I left the swamp, I figured I had done rather well, as far as not falling into the mud and completely soiling my freshly washed white sweater. So I took one more photo...

then picked up my bag and resumed my walk home. Shortly after, and luckily before I had climbed either of the two long hills, I realised that I didn't have my cell phone, and I knew it must have fallen out of my sweater pocket somewhere in the swamp. With visions of my poor little phone drowning in the muck, getting ruined, and thinking of how much money it would cost to replace, I rushed back to retrace my steps. So once again, through the bushes and across the logs, contorting to make my way through, I searched for my phone. My shoes got muddier, but it didn't matter so much. Luckily I found my dear little phone on one of the few dryish spots, unharmed. Ahh, what relief. The last time I replaced a lost phone, it cost me $400, for the cheapest one! Needless to say, it was incredibly nice to find my phone in good condition. How lucky.
On my way out, for the second time, a miniature world caught my eye. The world is indeed enchanted, if you open your eyes to see it....

who me?
After the double swamp time fiasco, I wondered why it had all happened. That was the first time my phone had fallen from my pocket, so why today, why in the depths of a swamp of all places? Was there some greater importance to my delay? Or am I reading too much into this? I like to think that things happen for a reason, so now I'm left wondering, what was the importance of my timing today? And who is behind the strings that tried so hard to correct my timing?
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