Ode to a Friend
I am so grateful to have such a friend in my life. The energy created when we spend time together never ceases to amaze me; we part fully refuelled with the most positive of feelings. Such Great Heights. Talking, laughing, healing, growing, into the wee hours of the morning. Conversations ranting about the world and woes, eternally on the same note. The understanding is deep and effortless.
What was it about that childhood we shared together? That place and those lessons? It created something so powerful that together we can overcome any obstacle that we might encounter. We vowed to always be there for eachother, no matter what, to hold out a hand to help the other one up when they fall in a mudpuddle, or to just jump in and make it a party. I know that no matter how hard things might get, for either of us, we will always have eachother. What a beautiful gift. It makes me want to cry. Everyone should have this.
This is so undescriptive and has so little cohesion. Maybe because of the few hours of sleep last night. Yet I think that even if I was at the height of my mental capacities, I still wouldn't be able to express this in a manner in which outsiders would be able to understand. This is beyond words.
Thank you Shawn.

Photo courtesty of Phong.
This smells stongly of cheese, but such is my life and I like it that way.
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