Saturday, March 12, 2005

Hair Philosophy

Continuing in a pattern of rampaging through my life, tearing up established comforts and things of long, I cut off most of my hair. Where once it tickled the small of my back, it now brushes my shoulders. Eight inches of hair fell to the ground over the course of an hour and a half as I put my treasured hair in the hands of Yuko, my new stylist at Suki's. The trust paid off as she snipped and clipped away, bring the unruliness of my mane under control. I walked out feeling about five pounds lighter, after losing the blulk of my hair, and for once feeling relatively stylish.
Being stylish was not my goal, nor was forgetting the way I used to be, nor was forging a new identity. Maybe it was a way of making myself feel better, at least on the outside. Or maybe it was just a continuation of massive changes in my life. Whatever it is, I like my new hair. But I'm sure I will miss my long locks as well.
Such is life, giving up something to get something else, closing one door to open another, enjoying the new while missing the old.
Moving from hair to life philosophy:...
One of the few things that I have concluded over my brief life is that nothing is permanent; change is the only constant. I am permanently suspended between contradictions. Life provides us with choices and options, sometimes both of which are unattractive, or both of which are very attractive, and we just can't have both. So you choose the least bad, or the best. You make the best decision you can at the time, knowing that rarely will all of your desires be satisfied. Such decisions are hard, but often they are the most important ones in life. No matter how hard you try to unravel the details in your head, it's just too complex and you need to trust your gut, your intuition, and use that to guide your decision. Hopefully your intuition serves you well. Otherwise you're fucked.


At 8:42 PM, March 13, 2005, Blogger Geoff said...

I didnt really histate this time, well not that much anyways, but Im glad to hear you got your hair cut and seem happy with it. Take a picture so maybe one day down the line I can see how you look with short hair.

At 9:14 PM, March 13, 2005, Blogger Darcy said...

I surely will. I'm hoping to figure out how to show some photos within these posts. I know there is a way, but so far I have been too lazy to learn.


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