While We Have the Sun
After mucking through a swamp, I decided that I should make the most of a sunny spring day. The last weather report I had heard predicted rain for tomorrow, so it was carpe diem sort of moment. I made my way down to beautiful Deep Cove and then made my way up the Baden Powell trail to Quarry Rock.
The air was warm, yet crisp and fresh, and the smells were intoxicating. I was humbled by the trees and enraptured by the streams, and high on the beauty of it all.


(please forgive my lack of a tripod in this shot)
So I sat down, high above it all, the wind and the sun on my skin. I sat and began to contemplate and really look into myself. And soon, for the first time in a long long time, I felt whole and sound. I felt good, right down and through.
Sitting there, I came to realise that this time in my life is a time for me. Time to look at who I have become, who I am becoming, and time to remember who I was. This is a time to care for myself, and up on that rock today, this became so clear. For the first time in a long while, I felt at peace with my life situation, because I had begun to understand what it was for, and why things had happened. I just need to be by myself right now, to take care of myself.
Moments like these are few and far between. How wonderful that serenity descended and clarity arrived in such a beautiful place.
Yes, indeed. It is so beatiful and I'm so grateful that I have such places near me. I love Vancouver, and North Van even more!
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