Cell phones are a wonderful thing...in their own time and place. I am so tired of people not knowing the proper etiquette for cell phone use, to here is a short and easy set of rules to follow so that you don't end up being the jack-ass I hate:
1)Turn off your ringer, or if you find yourself unable to part with your catchy jingle completely, turn it down to a level that you and the person next to you alone will be able to hear. I am totally astounded at the number of numb-skulls who leave their volume up at full force while they are sitting in class, in the library, in a restaurant, or while roommates are trying to sleep. When you enter a quiet space, be sure to turn off your ringer!
2)If you are in any sort of eating establishment that is above the level of fast food, see rule number one, and then, if your phone rings, do not answer it unless you ABSOLUTELY must! It's a good idea to step outside if you absolutely must talk to the person that very minute, none of the other patrons will mind, and your dining partner(s) will likely appreciate avoiding the embarassment of being the one who is sitting with the jackass on his cellphone. If you find that you have no choice but to answer your phone while in the restaurant, be sure to talk quietly: no one else in the place wants to have their meal disrupted or ruined by having to listen you to bark into your phone!
That's it! It's so easy!
If you're still having trouble, just remember that cell phones are a luxury and NOT a necessity. You do not NEED to answer all phone calls the come it and it is okay to turn your phone off or leave it behind. You will not die without your cellphone, nor will the people whose phone calls you might miss.
More importantly, realize that your actions do have an effect on other people and that you do not opperate in a bubble. Please exercise common courtesy and think about how you might be affecting other people in the things that you do, or do not do, and the world will be a happier place!