Weekend Adventures
Making the most of our time, we were up early and off to the beach , where we would spend all saturday, basking in the sun in our birthday suits and swimming in the ocean. Ah, so delightful!

Sunday was a day of good exercise and breathtaking views (the pictures just don't do it justice, but here they are anyway!). Through the trees and under the sun, over patches of lingering snow, and ice cold lakes.

(above: just to the left of where we swam)
Until we got to the top of the top, where we were thankfully greeted by the beautiful Cabin Lake. The water was crisp and cold, but wonderfully refreshing after the hike.

After lunch and a swim, we continued on to the highest point of Black Mountain, for stunning views of Howe Sound, The Georgia Straight, Vancouver Island, and Mount Baker.

Definately a weekend well-spent.